
The Electromechanical training program is located at the border of Electrical Engineering and Mechanical Engineering. At the end of this training, the students will assimilate, on the one hand, the essential concepts of Mechanics (Resistance of materials, Mechanical construction, Technical drawing, Turbomachines, Internal combustion engine, etc.); and on the other hand, they will acquire solid bases in Electronics, Automation and Electrical Engineering. In addition, they will follow several lessons that will allow them to solve problems related to the field of energy conversion from its electrical form to the mechanical form and vice versa.


"""This training aims to: • Understand the physical phenomena linked to the transformations and use of electrical energy. • Operate electrical power equipment and associated control systems, to produce energy or activate automation. • Identify the different components of electrical networks and become familiar with the means of control and protection. • Define the distribution, protection and control equipment, from high voltage to low voltage and their commissioning. • Improve the performance of electrotechnical systems while listening to its interlocutors. "" "

Target level of study

BAC +3


180 crédits


3 years

Training structure

Sciences et Technologie

List of subjects

Matière Enseignant(s)
Electronique de puissance BENALLA Hocine
Machines électriques BOUZID Aissa
Construction mécanique BENMEDDOUR Amor
Transfert thermique BENDAOUD Mehdi
Systèmes Asservis DJEGHLOUD Hind
Production d’énergie électrique BOULOUDENINE Abderraouf
Matériaux électrotechniques BELATEL Mimi
Sécurité électrique BIDI Manel
Matière Enseignant(s)
Capteurs KAIKAA Mohamed Yazid
Commande MAOUCHE Yassine
Maintenance Industrielle BABAA Fatima
Automatismes Industriels NEBTI Khalil
Automatismes Industriels TP REBBAH Redjem
Régulation LOUZE Lamri
Régulation TP CHOUKIMakhlouf
Moteurs à Combustion BOUCHOUCHA Ali


Université Frères Mentouri - Constantine 1 BP, 325 Route de Ain El Bey, Constantine, Algérie, 25017

Tel.: +213(0)31 81 12 71